
Home Page Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum

A brief lexicon of stemmatology

The Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum (PLS) is a scholarly digital resource providing explanations for technical terms related to stemmatology, a discipline of classical and mediaeval philology aiming at understanding the historical evolution of textual traditions. The PLS was initiated, within the framework of the Studia Stemmatologica research network, by Odd Einar Haugen, who was its editor-in-chief until May 15, 2015.  

The necessity of creating such a digital resource becomes evident if one realises that stemmatology is by nature an interdisciplinary discipline, using concepts and methods from a variety of different fields: linguistics, codicology, palaeography, book history, etc. In addition, stemmatology is at the same time an old discipline (dating back from the first half of the nineteenth century in its modern form and from the Hellenistic period in its most ancient attestations) and a discipline that has recently undertaken a methodological revolution, not only because of the digital turn in the humanities, but perhaps more importantly because of the influence of phylogenetics. The PLS attempts to address the challenge of integrating old and new concepts, and besides includes the presentation of methods and tools used in stemmatology and sometimes borrowed from other disciplines, such as computer science, mathematics or biology.

Moreover, as any other venerable discipline of the humanities, stemmatology has developed according to more or less national schools or traditions, in which the same concepts are not always used in exactly the same way. The PLS tries to address this linguistic aspect by providing equivalents of the terms in French, German, Italian, and – where appropriate – Latin.

The list of editors and contributors to the PLS reflects the multidisciplinary and multicultural dimensions of this collective scholarly endeavour. In the last weeks before the release of this version 1.0 (Nov. 13, 2015), much of the work of reviewing this very complex dictionary has been taken up by Marina Buzzoni, Aidan Conti, Odd Einar Haugen, in addition to the two present editors.

The lexicon is certainly not yet perfect, the length and depth of entries varies and there may even be contradictions left here and there, but we agreed that its present state is good enough as a first online version (also available as pdf and html downloads for off-line use). We are working on ideas to turn this resource into a second, completely revised version as a book publication. If you have suggestions, corrections, improvements, do not hesitate to send them to stemmatology (at)

Caroline Macé & Philipp Roelli, editors-in-chief

The PLS was created through volunteer work without major funding, nonetheless it has received support from several institutions – to which we express our thanks – in particular to the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, the University of Bergen, the University of Helsinki, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the University of Zürich, and COST Action IS1005.

License: CC-BY-NC (

Space Index

Total number of pages: 256

info Page excerpts are hidden because there are more than 200 pages
0-9 ... 0 A ... 17 B ... 9 C ... 32 D ... 17 E ... 26
F ... 3 G ... 5 H ... 7 I ... 4 J ... 2 K ... 0
L ... 14 M ... 12 N ... 11 O ... 4 P ... 20 Q ... 1
R ... 20 S ... 22 T ... 17 U ... 2 V ... 7 W ... 3
X ... 0 Y ... 0 Z ... 0 !@#$ ... 0    



Page: Abbreviations and editorial signs
Page: Addition
Page: Alignment
Page: Analysis of forms
Page: Anasyllabism
Page: Ancestor
Page: Annotated Bibliography
Page: Anticipation
Page: APE
Page: Apograph
Page: Apomorphic
Page: Apparatus
Page: Archetype
Page: Arrhythmia
Page: Assimilation
Page: Author
Page: Autograph


Page: Base text
Page: Bayes' theorem
Page: Bayesian phylogenetics
Page: Bifid / binary / bifurcating / bipartite
Page: Bifurcation
Page: Bindefehler
Page: Bootstrapping
Page: Branch
Page: Bédier, Joseph


Page: Character
Page: Chi-squared test
Page: Cladistics
Page: Cladogram
Page: Cladorama
Page: Codex
Page: Codex descriptus
Page: Codex interpositus
Page: Codex optimus
Page: Codex unicus
Page: Codicology
Page: CollateX
Page: Collation
Page: Colophon
Page: Combinatio
Page: Common errors method
Page: Computer-assisted stemmatology
Page: Conjecture
Page: Consensus tree
Page: Constitutio textus
Page: Contamination
Page: Contamination, extra-stemmatic
Page: Contamination, simultaneous
Page: Contamination, successive
Page: Contini, Gianfranco
Page: Contributors
Page: Copy
Page: Copy text
Page: Copying of texts
Page: Copyist
Page: Corruption
Page: Cycle


Page: Data display network
Page: Data formats
Page: Data formats for character data
Page: Data formats for textual data
Page: Data formats for trees
Page: Degree
Page: Descendant
Page: Diasystem
Page: Dictation
Page: Diffraction
Page: Directed acyclic graph (DAG)
Page: Dispositio
Page: Distance matrix
Page: Dittography
Page: Divinatio
Page: Document
Page: Duplication


Page: Ecdotics
Page: Edge
Page: Edition, best-manuscript
Page: Edition, critical
Page: Edition, digital
Page: Edition, diplomatic
Page: Edition, documentary
Page: Edition, eclectic
Page: Edition, monotypic
Page: Edition, synoptic
Page: Editions, history of
Page: Editions, types of
Page: Eigenfehler
Page: Eliminatio codicum descriptorum
Page: Eliminatio lectionum singularium
Page: Emendatio
Page: Emendatio ex fonte
Page: Error
Page: Error, common
Page: Error, conjunctive
Page: Error, indicative or significant
Page: Error, separative
Page: Error, types of
Page: Examinatio
Page: Exemplar
Page: Exemplar shift


Page: Facsimile
Page: Family (of witnesses)
Page: Fragment


Page: Gloss
Page: Gloss-incorporation
Page: Glyph
Page: Graph
Page: Group (of witnesses)


Page: Haplography
Page: Havet, Pierre Antoine Louis
Page: Home
Page: Homoeoarcton
Page: Homoeoteleuton
Page: Homoplasy
Page: Hyparchetype


Page: Innovation
Page: Interpolation
Page: Irigoin, Jean
Page: Itacism


Page: Jukes-Cantor model
Page: Juxta



Page: Lachmann's method
Page: Lachmann, Karl
Page: Lacuna
Page: Leaf
Page: Lectio brevior, lectio potior
Page: Lectio difficilior, lectio potior
Page: Lectio facilior
Page: Lectio singularis
Page: Leitfehler
Page: Leithandschrift
Page: Likhachov, Dmitrij Sergeevich
Page: Locus criticus
Page: Locus desperatus
Page: Loss rate (of witnesses)


Page: Maas, Paul
Page: Manuscript
Page: Material accident
Page: Media transmitting texts
Page: Metathesis
Page: Method, Leitfehler-based
Page: Method, maximum likelihood
Page: Method, maximum parsimony
Page: Methods, distance-based
Page: Misreading
Page: Mouvance
Page: MrBayes


Page: NeighborNet
Page: Neighbour joining
Page: Neo-Lachmannian Philology
Page: Networks, evolutionary
Page: New
Page: New Philology
Page: Newick format
Page: Nexus
Page: Node (vertex)
Page: Node, internal
Page: Normalisation


Page: Omission
Page: Origin
Page: Original
Page: Outgroup


Page: Palaeography
Page: Parablepsis
Page: Paradosis
Page: Parallelism
Page: Paris, Gaston
Page: Parsimoniously informative
Page: Parsimony
Home page: Parvum lexicon stemmatologicum
Page: Pasquali, Giorgio
Page: Path
Page: PAUP
Page: Phylogenetic networks, types of
Page: Phylogenetic tree
Page: Phylogenetics
Page: Phylogram
Page: Phylomemetics
Page: Plesiomorphic
Page: Polarisation
Page: Polygenesis


Page: Quentin, Henri


Page: R (Statistical Programming Language)
Page: Reading
Page: Reading, primary
Page: Reading, secondary
Page: Reading, variant
Page: Recensio
Page: Recension
Page: Recension, closed and open
Page: Recentiores non deteriores
Page: Reconstruction
Page: Redaction
Page: Redactor
Page: Reeve, Michael D.
Page: Reference text
Page: Regularisation
Page: Reticulation
Page: Reticulogram
Page: Revision
Page: RHM
Page: Root


Page: Saut du même au même
Page: Schlyter, Carl Johan
Page: Scribal conjecture
Page: Scribe
Page: Scuola storica
Page: Segre, Cesare
Page: Selectio
Page: Semstem
Page: Set
Page: Siglum
Page: Sonderfehler
Page: Split
Page: SplitsTree
Page: Stemma
Page: Stemmatics
Page: Stemmatology
Page: StemmaWeb
Page: Stemweb
Page: Subarchetype
Page: Substitution
Page: Subtree
Page: Symplesiomorphic


Page: T-Rex method
Page: Taxon
Page: Text
Page: Textual criticism
Page: Textual scholarship
Page: Textual variance
Page: Timpanaro, Sebastiano
Page: Tools
Page: Tradition
Page: Tradition, artificial
Page: Tradition, indirect
Page: Transmission
Page: Transmission, types of
Page: Transposition
Page: Tree
Page: Tree, unrooted
Page: Trennfehler


Page: Usus scribendi


Page: Variance (Mathematical)
Page: Variant (reading)
Page: Variant graph
Page: Variant location
Page: Version
Page: Vulgarisation
Page: Vulgate


Page: West, Martin Litchfield
Page: Witness
Page: Work





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